How To Run A Direct Mail Campaign

Direct mail uses a variety of marketing strategies, like Brochures, Leaflets, Catalogues, Postcards and sales letters. Personalised and un-personalised promotional printed items to target your audience using bulk mail.

There are several factors to consider when creating a direct mail campaign. In order to be effective – and to gain the greatest cut through and return on investment – we at Alpha Mail have summarised the main factors to ensure success for our clients.

These are:

a) Call to action – What is your brochure saying to make your prospect contact you immediately? The CTA is one of the most important things that must be very clear to your audience. There is no point in creating and designing an excellent brochure with a great sales message without telling them what needs to be done next. Your direct mail piece should encourage them quickly to contact you either by phone or to visit your website. Make sure all your contact numbers are clearly visible, and your CTA explains the benefits of them contacting you at once

b) What is your offer – What information is in your brochure to persuade your prospect to use your service or product in the first place OR move from one of your rivals. What’s in it for me – Yes, we have all heard of that phrase but many people still fail to explain to the audience what the product can do for them: the benefits. People are rarely interested in your product unless it can benefit them. You may make the best looking hand gloves in the world, made of leather and diamonds. All the customer is interested in is will it keep my hands warm. Make sure your offer stands out clearly. That’s precisely how our mailhouse creates winning campaigns for our clients.

c) Too much Information – When using bulk mailing for your prospects, don’t let the message get buried in the copy. Many people make the mistake of filling their brochure with as much information as possible to get their message across. They don’t realise this can overwhelm the reader and cause them to turn off and immediately trash the brochure immediately. Do not let the waffle bury the benefits your product can offer the reader. Use the KISS principle: Keep it simple with a good, well thought out headline, not the business name. As one of the leading mail companies, we advise our clients to keep the message crisp, clear and concise.

d) Poor Quality – When we say poor quality, we actually mean cheap. If the direct mail is printed on poor quality paper, it will detract from the sales message it is carrying: no matter how right that message may be. Printing on a boutique or heavier paper stock will cost slightly more, but it will be money well spent. This is especially true if you are selling a high-value product such as; Medicines, Finance, Professional Services, Restaurants and Motor Vehicles. Also try laminating or using overprint varnish to get a great result.

e) Flooding the area – If you have a marketing area, you can’t do a direct mail marketing activity once and expect good results, we would suggest being repetitive with brochures on a minimum of at least 3 occasions about 2 to 3 weeks apart. This works very well. Instead of being ‘One Hit approach’ this allows reminder and follow-ups with the audience. Bulk mailing your target audience at regular intervals ensures your leads stay warm.

f) Timing – Schedule your leaflet drop. You need to ensure that the leaflet you run hits at the right time in your prospects’ buying cycle. A reliable mailhouse offering regular au mail services in Sydney will help you reach your audience at the right time.

If you take the time to consider your audience, your message and timing of delivery – this will ensure you deliver with the most significant impact and cut through for your direct mail result.